Red Rockers

Red Rockers Bring the Fun to Verizon Center

Erin poses for Caps Outsider

Anyone who has been to a Capitals game has noticed them. The players? Sure, maybe them, too, but that’s not who we’re talking about.

“We’re part cheerleader, part dancer, and part hockey fan all at once!” explained Erin M., a college student and second-year Red Rocker. The Red Rockers are an elite group of beautiful and talented young women who act as ambassadors for fun and excitement during Caps games at the Verizon Center.

“We love hockey and the energy the fans bring to the game,” Erin said. “When some fans are down, we want to make sure that we create high energy and a positive experience for everyone. I’m always running around talking to our fans. We have a Red Rocker table where some of the girls are stationed throughout the game. This gives us a chance to have real conversations with fans as opposed to saying a quick hello.” (The Red Rocker table is usually located on the lower concourse at section 111 in the Verizon Center – right in front of Phil Chenier.)

The Red Rockers have many responsibilities during a game aside from cheering and chatting with fans. For Chipotle, they throw t-shirts with a free burrito card attached. For Papa John’s, they throw hats to the crowd with a free gift card attached. Then there’s the ever-popular t-shirt toss, keeping the crowd on their feet during intermissions and time-outs. “It is our job to make sure the fans are having the best time no matter what the score of the game,” the enthusiastic Red Rocker added.

A big part of being a Red Rocker is attending charity events and being of service to the community, which is quite meaningful for Erin. “We’ve done fundraisers for breast cancer awareness, 5k’s to raise money for brain tumor research, and Toys for Tots during the holiday season. It’s always a rewarding feeling to know that you are helping out in your community, which is why we all jump at the opportunity to be a part of events like these.”

Caps players have been at a few events with the Red Rockers, but the ladies usually have their own schedule to follow. They like to get out into the community as much as possible. And although Slapshot attends many of the same events, he is not part of the Red Rockers. The Caps’ mascot does interact with them as part of the game time entertainment which multiplies the fun for all.

“It’s been amazing and rewarding to be a part of the Capitals organization. It’s been a once in a lifetime journey, and I’ve met some fascinating people along the way,” Erin spoke sincerely about her experiences as a Red Rocker. “It’s such a blast to see fans at the games and build relationships with them. We’re like one big Caps family!”

red-rocker-erin-2 red-roker-erin
Photos via the Caps.

Barbara Banks

Barbara Ann Banks is a freelance writer out of Rockville, MD.

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