Red Rockers

Red Rocker: Corrie


Prior to Tuesday’s big win against New York, I had the occasion to meet Corrie, one of the Red Rockers, as she prepared for the pre-game introductions. Since she is the first I have had an opportunity to meet, she is also the first that I will feature here on Capitals Outsider. The Red Rockers are essentially the spirit squad of the Washington Capitals, or as some would call them, Ice Girls. They lead cheers, give out prizes, greet fans, and help to coordinate activities around the arena.

Corrie told me that she grew up playing hockey, and is a big fan of the team. Her profile mentions that she enjoys eating Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and watching the movie Hook.

I started playing ice hockey in 3rd grade and continued through college. When I first started, I was the only girl on the team for years! I even played for the Washington Little Capitals- it is no wonder I’m such a big fan!”

Philip Van der Vossen

Philip Van der Vossen is the Founder of Capitals Outsider. He is a former beer league player, a lifelong Capitals fan, and was a season ticket holder for 20 years.

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