
Bulldogging the Capitals from INSIDE THE VERIZON CENTER!!

Ovie is inside! (Ovie the Bulldog)

Supporting Dogs on Deployment at Military Night

For 20 Caps games I’d held down the fort on the bricks of F Street in front of the Verizon Center.  Always just feet away from the “Promised Ice” on which our Washington Capitals skate during the NHL season.  For 20 games, fans stopped, pet me, gave me cookies, got high fives, and took thousands of pictures while asking why I couldn’t go inside.  But along the way, I captured the attention of the Dogs on Deployment crew and an idea was hatched.  Would I be interested in helping them raise awareness for their cause?  When you read about how they support our military and their pets, saying no is not an option.  Jen Kelly of Dogs on Deployment worked tirelessly with the Washington Capitals to get permission for me to be on the concourse during Military Night at the February 4th Caps/Isles game.

So, for my 21st game? I GOT INSIDE!

What is Dogs on Deployment?

Military members nation-wide confront a multitude of problems during their careers, the last thing they need to worry about is their pet’s care during their service commitments. Dogs On Deployment is a 501(c)(3) national non-profit which provides an online network for service members to search for volunteers who are willing to board their pets during their owner’s service commitments. Dogs on Deployment promotes responsible, life-long pet ownership by military pet owners by advocating for military pet owner rights, providing educational resources and granting financial assistance for military pet owners during times of emergency. Join Dogs on Deployment’s mission in changing the lives of our military members and their pets.

Hey, this isn’t my spot!

I walked my normal route through Chinatown, it’s a different walk this time.  Dad has brought my “Support bag” filled with treats, water, bowls, and other items needed when I am helping charities out at expos.  As we approach the other “Ovie Spot”, my spot, I go to lay down as I always do on my bricks.  This time Dad is pulling towards the door, opening it, calling to me, “Let’s go inside.”   We get inside only to be rerouted back outside to the Admin Entrance around the corner, the inner sanctum of the Verizon Center continues to elude me, albeit temporarily.  I enter with the Dogs on Deployment crew and slowly enter onto the concourse. Is that a choir of angels I hear?  Great memorable First Steps in history, Man walking on the moon, Dorothy on the Yellow Brick Road, and now me walking into the Verizon Center for a Caps game.  Ok, maybe a slight overstatement on the historical part but I will NEVER forget those first steps inside.

The Dogs on Deployment table is outside Section 110 and we quickly get setup and ready for the game.  Then it’s time to see the “Promised Ice” of Verizon Center.


I get tweets of congratulations and support, none more touching than one of my littlest Caps fans and friend, Carson, who has made his own Ovie the Bulldog.  He does support signs for the Caps EVERY game to show his support for the Caps and his favorite player, Connor Carrick.  Tonight, he is helping me support Dogs on Deployment.

The Caps Experience, a Bulldog in tweets

The atmosphere inside is awesome! Lots of the Verizon Center crew were the first to congratulate me in person. One gentleman who works the F Street entrance saw me and announced I’d been outside for a long, long time and was very happy for me. As the fans entered, it was game on for me!

Sporting a #BulldogsForTheBrave T-Shirt!

Caps lost…so while I’m here

Supporting the Courage Caps!

Special Thanks!

I want to give a special thanks to Lindsey Novak and Tyler Duchaine of Capitals Hill for hanging out, handing out flyers for Dogs on Deployment the entire game! Their help was greatly appreciated! Capitals Hill is responsible for bringing the #BulldogsForTheBrave T-Shirt to the public, design by Tyler Duchaine, proceeds from the sale of the shirt go to Dogs on Deployment, so please go buy one or six right HERE!

The Person Responsible

An exciting day made possible by Jen Kelly of Dogs on Deployment!  If there is one person who drove this plan, it was Jen.  For months she worked not only with Dogs on Deployment but with the Washington Capitals organization to convince them it was a great idea and that I would not maul the opposing fans!  Jen, thank you, you made the dream of many come true.  You got me inside the Verizon Center and then thought you should be thanking me.

So happy I could see all my friends, old and new! Here’s hoping the Caps turn it around and start a long win streak!

Licks & Slobber,

Ovie the Bulldog

I'm a Bulldog! I sleep, eat, snore all day long. Go Caps!

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