
Caps Fans Not Impressed With Carolina Experience

Can anyone see what’s going on here? (via my friend)

Nevermind the game – the 4-1 loss to the Carolina Hurricanes was just the tip of the iceberg for several Caps fans who trekked down to Carter-Finley Stadium in Raleigh, North Carolina to watch their beloved Capitals on Saturday night.

Even before the game started, fans voiced their frustration with the traffic getting to the stadium, and the parking situation. But once in the stadium, it didn’t get any better

A friend who was there said he couldn’t hear the announcers, and even had to text me to ask who scored the Caps goal. He said the concert sounded only like bass, and the jumbotron had sections that weren’t working or the wrong color.

Then readers started telling me about their experiences, reiterating their problems with the pre-paid parking lots, after a trip to the stadium where many fans left their cars to walk (or even roller blade).

“Limited merchandise stands with long long lines (50 yards and longer) just to get in,” Twitter user Brian NatCap said. “People that did get in said most things were sold out.”

“Parking was atrociously mismanaged, causing fans to have to walk miles or take buses,” Twitter user Chip Tamplin said. “They had maybe two gates open to let all fans in leading to insane lines and nearly trampling people.”

“Security to get in was a massive problem,” said another user, who otherwise had a good experience. “Totally unprepared.”

Several others responded, saying similar things about the trip to the stadium, the parking, the security, and the experience in the stadium. Even those who made the most of their time down there still had a negative thing or two to mention.

Hats off to any Capitals fan who paid for those tickets and made the trip down their to root for their team. They didn’t deserve that mess.




Ben Sumner

Ben Sumner is the editor of Capitals Outsider. He also works for The Washington Post and contributes there when he gets a scoop.

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