
“Alex Ovechkin Teeth”

This is a snapshot from Google Image results, which included one two bad results courtesy of Bleacher Report, which used Alex Ovechkin’s name in a headline with a photo of someone else, thus fooling the search engine into believing it was a photo of Ovi. Capitals Outsider replaced one result here (but not the other because we totally missed it the first time around) and wishes Bleacher Report would stop being stupid like that.Pick out the bad result yourself.

While searching for photos of Alex Ovechkin, Capitals Outsider discovered a somewhat new feature on Google – sub-results with different words on the same search screen. For instance, a search for “Alex Ovechkin” gives you not just photos of him, but specific results alongside words like ‘hits,’ ‘goal,’ ‘teeth,’ ‘shooting,’ ‘goal celebration’ and ‘scoring.’

Naturally, the first subresult we clicked on was ‘teeth,’ because why not? Let’s revisit the story.

Ovechkin lost his front tooth after taking a high stick in a game against the Atlanta Thrashers on October 5th, 2007.

The AP reported:

In Washington’s 3-1 victory at Atlanta on Friday night, one of Ovechkin’s top, middle teeth was broken when he took a stick to the face. After the game, the remaining piece of the tooth was yanked out, and Ovechkin was given 14 stitches.

He seemed to delight in the empty space between his teeth Saturday, sticking his tongue in there and smiling widely whenever he noticed his mug up on the new high-definition video screens above the ice. He resembled a little kid who loses his first incisor and can’t wait to see what the Tooth Fairy leaves under the pillow.

Ovechkin has said in interviews that he will eventually get his teeth fixed once his hockey career is over, since more are bound to get knocked out.

For some reason, someone made a Facebook group called “A world where Alex Ovechkin has a full set of teeth.” I will never, ever ‘like’ that page.

Here’s a photo he tweeted in 2011. No idea where he found the tooth. UPDATE: The photo is from Madame Tussaud’s “behind the scenes” writeup/pics of Ovi’s exhibit. s/t WeagleEye

Photo via @ovi8.

Ben Sumner

Ben Sumner is the editor of Capitals Outsider. He also works for The Washington Post and contributes there when he gets a scoop.

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